Classic Cookie's Annual Cookie Festival
The Sweet Way We Are Celebrating Classic Cookie's 40th Anniversary in 2024!
Presented By

Meet The Sweet Judges

Katie Gwin
General Manager
VG's Bakery

Jennifer Johnsey
Cake Coordinator
ChocolateFest Knoxville

Hannah Moorefield
Cake Decorator
VG's Bakery

Extension Agent
UT Institute of Agriculture

Goody Two Chews
Competition Rules
Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
No professional qualifications, licenses, or certifications are required to compete.
The competition is open to all amateur and professional cake & and sugar artists. The displays must be the sole work of the individual entering, with the exception of children under 12 who may have help baking, making icing, and covering the board.
Entries must be submitted on Saturday, April 27, from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EST. Entries may NOT be removed before Saturday, April 27 at 5:00 PM EST. Entries will need to be picked up or donated to the Classic Cookie between 5:15 and 6:00 PM on April 27. If you donate your entry to Classic Cookie, they may choose to either display or discard your entry.
Business or contact cards are only allowed next to your entry after all judging is complete on April 27. You must provide the business cards and any display to hold them to put next to your entry for festival attendees to take if they are interested.
Entrants may choose to spray their entries with clear lacquer prior to their arrival to prevent the attraction of pests while the entries are on display. We will not be spraying your entry, and we will not be responsible for any damage from pests.
You may enter multiple entries in your Division. You must purchase one ticket for every cake that you submit in your division.
There are three divisions for the competition: Professional Adult, Hobbyist Adult, and Youth. If you create and design your cakes for money, have a culinary certificate, or work a paying job at a bakery and are an adult age, you must enter your cake into the Professional Adult division. If you like making cakes for fun, you may enter your cake into the Hobbyist Adult division.
Children, juniors, and teens are welcome to submit entries into the higher Hobbyist Adult Division instead of the Youth Division if they wish to do so, but they will be charged and judged as an adult entering that higher Division.
Entries must have a base no larger than 16” and cannot have a height that is greater than 48”.
All work must be done offsite. No decorating tools, equipment, cake, icing, base, stand, or materials will be provided by Classic Cookie Festival staff aside from table space, including a tablecloth. Cake must already be cooked, assembled, decorated, and ready for viewing in the allotted time. Minimal adjustments, repairs, and additions of embellishments will be permitted within the allotted set-up window.
No electricity will be available in the competition area. Battery-operated movements or lights are allowed as long as they are self-contained. The entrant is responsible for turning them on/off when they enter their piece. They will need to remain on during the entirety of the festival event including the judging segment and public display. No special backdrops or table coverings are allowed.
Taking inspiration from the techniques or work of others is acceptable. Exact replications are not acceptable.
Following the theme is not a requirement but judges will award extra points to those that do.
Entries will be judged on three main categories: originality, design, and technique. The judges may base their choices on workmanship, color coordination, artistic appearance, and interpretation of the theme. You are not required to represent the theme but judges will give extra consideration to those that do. The judges have sole discretion in how they judge each cake.
Styrofoam/dummy cakes should be used for the cakes, but the entry must be designed in a way that it can be structured and created using real cake.
Purchased ready-made decorations may not be used. The use of plastic is discouraged and carries no value in judging. Cold porcelain will not be allowed.
Only products considered for food use may be used in your entry. “Non-toxic” products i.e. disco dust, glues, etc. may only be used on decorations that can be removed before the cake is consumed. Hot glue is not permitted.
Only Classic Cookie® logos, likenesses, and other owned trademarks or copyrights may be used on the cake for this competition alone. This includes the round Classic Cooke logo, the soft-baked wrapper Classic Cookie® text, the soft-baked wrapper Brownie text, the soft-baked wrapper Energy Cookie text, Manny the Master Baker character, etc. No copyrighted or trademarked characters, logos or likenesses of any other kind are allowed, including the co-branded logos, characters, or likenesses Classic Cookie® may have on its retail products.
Classic Cookie Festival staff and Judges reserve the right to reclassify entries.
Discriminatory, pornographic, or other entries deemed offensive to Classic Cookie Festival's family-friendly atmosphere as deemed by festival staff and/or Judges, will be disqualified and removed.
Every effort is made to have entrants place their entries where they will remain until the entrant takes their piece home; however, Classic Cookie Festival staff and Judges reserve the right to move entries if required. This will be done with the utmost care.
Classic Cookie, Classic Cookie Festival staff, volunteers, vendors, birthday cake gallery venue owners, venue staff, or sponsors will not be responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen items. We will take every precaution we can to ensure that your cake is safe.
Judging will be done by the point scoring method with highly qualified decorators selected by Classic Cookie. Judges' decisions will be final, and they are not required to award first, second, and third if they feel the entries do not warrant it.
Each entrant grants Classic Cookie, and Classic Cookie Festival a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensable, and transferable right and license to use, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, and publically display any photos taken by staff, volunteers, or contractors.
Entrants are responsible for any and all safety issues pertaining to their entries and absolve Mannon Specialty Foods, Inc., Classic Cookie, Classic Cookie Festival, event staff, event volunteers, birthday cake gallery venue owners, venue staff, festival vendors, and sponsors of any liability related to damage caused to persons or property by their entry.
Awards will be announced at the end of the Classic Cookie Festival via social media. You may collect your prize when you come to pick up your cake at the end of the event.
All taxes on any prize(s) won are the sole responsibility of each winner, including, without limitation, any federal, state, or local taxes that may be deemed applicable in such winner’s jurisdiction of residence.