Classic Cookie's Annual Cookie Festival
The Sweet Way We Are Celebrating Classic Cookie's 40th Anniversary in 2024!

Cruise-In Rules & Details
No professional qualifications, licenses, or certifications are required to bring your car
All cars must be parked by 12:20 PM EST to make sure that the road is clear and safe for festival pedestrians to be walking through. Cars may start arriving at 11:00 AM on April 27 (festival day) to get a parking spot.
Cars may not leave their parking spot until 5:00 PM EST. Pedestrians will be walking around and Bruce Street will be closed until this time.
To enter into the designated cruise-in zone, cars will check in where Bruce Street and Court Avenue intersect in downtown Sevierville. If barricades are down, cars will check in at the gazebo parking lot across from The Appalachian restaurant off Bruce Street. The cruise-in zone will be in the back parking spaces of the gazebo parking lot.
All types of cars are available to register for the cruise-in as long as they are well-maintained and can be considered as a classic vehicle.
Cars must be able to drive on their own and fit in a regular parking spot. No trailers will be allowed to come and drop off a car. No cars or anything else over 25 feet are permitted.
Every car will receive a gift basket for bringing their car to the cruise in. Each basket will have different prizes that Classic Cookie Festival collects for the event.
You may register multiple cars for the cruise-in. You must register one ticket for every car that you want to bring.
You are allowed to bring chairs to sit in around your car during the duration of the cruise-in
No alcohol is permitted in your vehicle or parking space during the event due to our family-friendly atmosphere.
There are various restaurants within walking distance of where your car will be parked including Trotter's BBQ, Pinchy's Lobster Company, Graze Burgers, and more. You may choose to dine there before, during, or after the event, as long as you are okay with your car parked and being viewed by festival attendees without supervision.
No vehicle work maintenance or work is permitted during the time you are at the event.
No electricity will be available in the area for you
The event is rain or shine.
By registering your vehicle, the ticket holder agrees to protect, defend, hold harmless, and indemnify Classic Cookie, Mannon Specialty Foods, Inc., Classic Cookie Festival staff, volunteers, vendors, birthday venue owners, venue staff, or sponsors from and against all claims, demands, actions, suits, damages, liabilities, losses, settlements, judgments, costs, and expenses including but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, actually or allegedly, directly, or indirectly, arising out of or related to your vehicle being damaged during the course of the Classic Cookie Festival.
Each entrant grants Classic Cookie, and Classic Cookie Festival a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensable, and transferable right and license to use, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, and publically display any photos taken by staff, volunteers, or contractors.
Entrants are responsible for any and all safety issues pertaining to their entries and absolve Mannon Specialty Foods, Inc., Classic Cookie, Classic Cookie Festival, event staff, event volunteers, birthday cake gallery venue owners, venue staff, festival vendors, and sponsors of any liability related to damage caused to persons or property by their entry.